The guide found here has been designed by the Communications and Marketing Office to give you a helpful reference to commonly asked style questions pertaining to LaGrange College.
Why adopt a style across campus? Each individual comes from a different background and generation. Each writes for a different audience and a different purpose. The news media have adopted the “Associated Press Stylebook” as their national rule book to maintain consistency. For the LaGrange College guide, specifically tailored entries have been developed through careful thought on what is best for an academic setting and what does not confuse nor alienate our constituents.
This guide is the accepted style for LaGrange College written communications directed to the public, such as advertisements, brochures, calendars, catalogs, flyers, newsletters, posters, recruitment materials and emails and Web pages. Using it as a guide for your written correspondence would be helpful to the campus community as well.
For issues not addressed here, Communications and Marketing will follow current Associated Press style.
This editorial style is not applied to monographs, scholarly research, journal articles, faculty-written books or articles, dissertations, etc. Its guidelines should never be confused with that of the “Stylebook of the American Psychological Association.” This style guide differs from the “Associated Press Stylebook” in several ways. Before distributing news releases, the Communications and Marketing Office will ensure that content follows Associated Press Style.
To suggest issues for future revisions of this style guide, please e-mail Dean Hartman ( or Lindy Oller (, or send suggestions through campus mail.
Publication Date: January 11, 2005
Revised: June 7, 2019
Updated: August 12, 2020